#XFI123 - X Factory Infinity - 4mm carbon fibre rear shock tower - for long shocks (AE B6 or B6D)

X-Factory - Infinity range
Code: XFI123


Hot on the heels of release of the AE B6 and B6D come X Factory Infinity shock towers for the new car. 

Made from 4mm carbon fibre, these towers follow on reports of the standard 3.5mm rear towers breaking in severe crashes.

There are two versions of each tower, front and rear.  There’s an Infinity front tower for the straight arms and for the gullwings. 

In the rear, we have an Infinity tower for the new standard height and the longer B5m shocks used on rougher lower traction surfaces.

Best of all, the new Infinity 4mm towers are all priced at less than the standard AE towers! 


Brand > Models
TEAM ASSOCIATED, B6 - B6.1 - B6.2 - B6.3 - B6.4,